The Big Drama Day – Devising Together

9:30am - 2:30pm
Monday 13 March
The Malthouse Theatre, King's

Students: We have space for all ten schools to attend with four students from Key Stage 4 or 5.

Event objective: This collaborative workshop will be a unique opportunity for students from across the partnership to come together to build confidence, develop communication skills and develop their practitioner skills in a day long ‘Devising Together’ workshop. Building on what they are learning at GCSE or A’level they will learn from each other to develop a deeper understanding during this creative free, non-examined day. The stimuli for the piece will include spoken word poetry, sculptures and historical events giving an opportunity to delve more into what Equity, Diversity and Inclusion means to them and how they can reflect their generation and community.

By working with new people, the event aims to breakdown boundaries and improve social cohesion, whilst improving communication and team-working. We hope this unique and enriching workshop will positively impact wellbeing and resilience and provide a memorable experience for all involved, as well as developing an interest in going on to study A Level drama or within a further education setting.

Practicalities: Students to attend in their own comfortable clothes and to bring a water-bottle. Lunch will be provided, and we will need dietary requirements and photo permissions ahead of the event.

Evaluation: The event will be evaluated by students attending.

What partner schools need to do next:

  1. Allocate a lead teacher for this event
  2. Confirm your school will be taking part by 10 February 2023 by clicking the book now link below
  3. Identify students who would benefit from attending this event by 7 March 2023 and confirm their names, dietary requirements and photo permissions.
Book Now