Contact Us

EKST Organisational chart

Please get in touch, whether you are are from a partner school or university, if you are keen to get involved or interested in supporting our work.

EKST Social Media Links:

Linkedin: @ East Kent Schools Together (EKST)
X/ Twitter: @EKSTpartnership
Instagram: eastkentschoolstogether


You can meet key members of our team below:


Claire Bridger, EKST Project Lead

phone: 07864 605412

LinkedIn: Claire Bridger- Project Lead- East Kent Schools Together

Claire works across the partnership schools and university partners (Canterbury Christ Church University and University of Kent), working closely with the Management Group and reporting to the Chair of the Heads Group.



David Elliott, Chair of the Heads Group and Head of Archbishop’s School

David is the current Chair of the Heads Group and Head of Archbishop’s School, a flourishing foundation Church of England Secondary School. With a fundamental belief in collaborative and inclusive education, David supports a number of local schools through governance whilst also taking on the role of chair of the  East Kent Schools Together (EKST) group this academic year (23/24/25). From an inclusive perspective, David and The Archbishop’s School community have welcomed all the refugees into the City over the last three years. With forty-six languages  that are not English spoken as a first language, and approximately fifty percent of the  cohort being pupil premium, the school is a rich and diverse section of modern Britain.


Adam Knoupe, Chair of the Management Group

Adam is the current Chair of the Management Group as well as Deputy Head at Archbishop’s: the group is made of up two Partnership Champions from each partner school and university, which manages all the partnership projects and events and meets six times a year.


Mark Taylor, Chair of the Finance Group

Mark is Bursar of The King’s School and chairs the Finance Group which meets three times a year to give financial advice and oversight to the partnership.

EKST Student Voice is the student representation for the partnership

Each school has three members on the Student Voice, one from each Key Stage.  Canterbury Christ Church University facilitates the work of the Student Voice from among their Outreach Team and Ambassadors.


Organisational Chart

EKST Organisational chart