Feel-Good-Friday week7
- Words Work
This session, led by Gary Studley, uses creativity to develop coping strategies, promote wellbeing & balance our lives in stressful times. Gary worked with us on our highly successful ‘Big Chill’ event and this session comes highly recommended. Featuring Morning Pages, Journaling, Collage, Mind Mapping, SMART Goals & Poetry. Gary’s has created a fantastic Words Work film and an accompanying Feel Good Friday, Words Work handout for you all to access in your own time.
- The Big Sing ‘at home’:
Lemon Otter leads our fourth virtual choir session this week with the Lady Gaga song ‘The Edge of Glory‘. To inspire you to take part this week you can watch and listen to our latest virtual choir film.
If you have not taken part before take a minute to watch the Introductory film and you will all need to read the Feel Good Friday ‘Edge of Glory’ info and lyrics
Then have a go at the fun warm up before choosing which of the following parts you are (if you don’t already know) High or Middle or Low
If/when you want to record yourself use the relevant backing track below (no pressure but great if you want to)
High backing track or Middle backing track or Low backing track
Please share your audio and selfies at: EKSTfeelgoodfriday@gmail.com to be part of our next virtual choir. You can email if you have any questions about taking part.
- Canterbury Christ Church Sport and Active Health fitness session:
Staying physically fit is so important at this time, not least because it positively impacts on our mental as well as physical wellbeing.
Join Canterbury Christ Church Sport and Active Health for this HITT & abs session with quick intense bursts, music to get you moving and techniques for active recovery. No specialist equipment required, just a small space and your smart phone. Enjoy.