Feel-Good-Friday week5

Friday 5 June, 10:00am - Tuesday 1 September, 12:00am

  • Sleep and your body clock:

Kirsty Vant, sleep specialist has put together this brilliant video session so that we can learn how to set the time on our own body clocks and get control of our sleep – something that is critical to our wellbeing, especially at this time when we are out of our normal routines.

There is also a EKST sleep and the body clock handout  that you can work through and a fun quiz.

  • The Big Sing ‘at home’:

Lemon Otter leads our fourth virtual choir session this week with the Beatles classic With a Little Help From My Friends’. To inspire you to take part this week you can watch and listen to our latest virtual choir film.

If you have not taken part before take a minute to watch the Introductory film and you will all need to read the Feel Good Friday ‘With a little help from my friends’ info and lyrics

Then have a go at the fun warm up before choosing which of the following parts you are (if you don’t already know)  High or Middle or Low

If/when you want to record yourself use the relevant backing track below (no pressure but great if you want to)

High backing track or Middle backing track or Low backing track


Please share your audio and selfies at: EKSTfeelgoodfriday@gmail.com to be part of our next virtual choir. You can email if you have any questions about taking part.

  • ‘My space’ creative activity:

Artists have explored interior spaces in so many different ways over the years. Our interior spaces are private to us and over the last few months they have been more important to us than ever before as we have spent most of our time at home. This creative task is a chance to capture your favourite space at home and share these with our community, connecting us in this shared activity.


What to do:
• Think about the different spaces in your home and choose your favourite space.
• Write a list of reasons why you like that space and describe its atmosphere.
• Make a drawing or painting of this space or perhaps take a photo.

Share your drawings by emailing EKSTfeelgoodfriday@gmail.com or on Instagram #FeelGoodFriday and one lucky student will win a £25 voucher to spend on art supplies.

  • Walks with nature

If you have not already do take a moment to watch the Big Chill nature walk video guide that helps is to learn how to benefit more from nature on our walks this early summertime. It is a real treat to watch and a reminder of the benefits of looking around when out on a walk.