EKST Big Design Day- Thursday 23rd May 9.30-2pm (St. Lawrence College) NOW POSTPONED TILL AUTUMN TERM 2024

9:30am - 2:30pm
Thursday 23 May
St. Lawrence College

When: THURSDAY 23rd May 9.30am – 2.30pm

Location: St Lawrence College, College Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 7AE

NB Please ensure that transport is booked in at the time of sign up to avoid any last minute issues

Students: Year 9 students who are enthusiastic about design/ business (or both!)

Event objective: To build confidence through working collaboratively with new people from different backgrounds, raise aspirations, widen horizon and impact positively on wellbeing. Students will be introduced to skills and techniques that will help them develop new problem-solving skills, with a particular focus on empathy and creativity when responding to a design brief.

Guest judges: potentially 2 external judges affiliated to the NHS will be joining us on the day will further details to come.

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/a75oxH3hg3qkwDHa8
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