AQA Science Specialist sessions
Supported by The Kent and Medway Science Learning Partnership, and written and run by AQA science specialists, we invite you to attend termly twilight sessions which are aimed at supporting you in improving your understanding of our specifications and assessments.
Each term we look at a different theme or skill area that teachers have said they would like more help with. The extensive support materials, using students’ responses, can then be used back in school with your teachers and students to develop these important skills and techniques
In each session we will share any relevant updates and resource developments from AQA and our AQA family.
These free, local twilight sessions are an ideal opportunity to enhance your science community by networking with other science teachers, sharing ideas and best practice.
The twilights will occur during November at various locations:
Thursday, November 7th at Rainham Mark Grammar School, ME8 7AJ 4pm-6pm – Book Here
Monday, November 11h at Bennett Memorial Diocesan School TN4 9SH, 4pm-6pm – Book Here
Tuesday, November 12th at Canterbury Academy CT2 8QA, 4pm-6pm – Book Here
These sessions are FREE of charge, and includes refreshments and a complimentary resource pack for you and your school.
Places are limited, so please click on the links above or contact us at to book your place. We look forward to seeing you there.