The Big Splash – POSTPONED

8:45am - 1:00pm
Tuesday 17 March
Kingsmead Leisure Centre


 Event Objectives

To offer a morning of fun activities to raise student’s expectations of their own capability, give them a new confidence, introduce them to new physical activities and develop their sense of overall well-being.

The event will be evaluated both by students and staff attending.

The Big Splash: information and guidelines

  • Each school to select 6 girls and 6 boys from Key Stage 3 to bring to this event. Total of 84 students.
  • CCCU to invite 8 sports student ambassadors to act as team captains – 2 per team.
  • Students will be mixed up and split into 4 teams (2 teams of 21 girls each and 2 teams of 21 boys each with three students from each school in each group), supported by 2 CCCU Ambassadors.
  • Schools to arrive at Kingsmead Leisure Centre for 8.45am. Parking is allocated on site for minibuses.
  • Schools should please brief their students before they arrive at Kingsmead Leisure Centre about the format of the day. They will also have an introduction to the day format and aims upon arrival.
  • Please provide the Coordinator with an accurate register upon arrival as there will be a register taken at the start of each activity. Please inform the Coordinator if any of your students cannot be photographed. Please note no photography will be taken from the poolside.
  • Students will need to arrive in PE kit and bring their swimming costume. Some may wish to bring an additional T-shirt to wear in the pool. All students need to be able to swim.
  • Schools to arrange for pupils to bring a packed lunch. EKST will provide healthy snacks for a break.
  • Pool Inflatable and Team Building activities may split into smaller groups for ‘competition’, but there will be no element of competition for Life Saving and First Aid.
  • CCCU Captains will watch their teams and nominate the four following awards for each team:


   Team 1 (Boys)


Team 2 (Boys) Team 3 (Girls) Team 4 (Girls)


CCCU Ambassadors to split students in to girl and boy teams.


Introduction about format/aims of event at which the awards will be outlined.


Change for swimming (Teams 1 and 2). Teams 3 and 4 head to activities.


Inflatable Life Saving Team Building First Aid


Life Saving Inflatable First Aid Team building


Change – All.  Snack – All


Team Building First Aid Inflatable Life Saving


First Aid Team Building Life Saving Inflatable


Change – All.  Lunch – All


Sports Hall for Awards – All


Event Closes