Duke of Edinburgh cluster

1:30pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday 25 September
Herne Bay High School

This is the first meeting of the staff members from our partnership who look after the Duke of Edinburgh award for their school.

The meeting will be a chance to share ideas, discuss trips, look at best practice and ways to possibly work together in the future.


  1. Welcome and introductions:
  • HC (HBHS) to head up the meeting introducing herself and experience within doing the DofE award.
  • Others to join in with this going around the table.
  1. What we would like to get out of the meeting?:
  • Discussion about cluster meetings and what areas would help with our practice.
  • Staff layout (leaders, supervisors & assessors)?
  • Delivery itself? Different ways to do this?
  • How schools could come together to support each other?
  • Resources?
  • Training, issues with training?
  • Costs of expeditions or the award itself?
  • CPD for new staff in the cluster?
  • Any other ideas?
  1. Date for the next meeting:

If you are interested in attending please email Hannah Capon from Herne Bay High School on h.capon@hernebayhigh.org