The Big Design Challenge
Event objective: To build confidence through working collaboratively with new people from different backgrounds, raise aspirations, widen horizon and impact positively on wellbeing. Students will be introduced to skills and techniques in relation to problem solving with a focus on empathy and creativity when responding to a design brief.
Guest judge: Zoe Laughlin, designer, maker and materials engineer who explores the art and science of ‘stuff’ in her day job at the Institute of Making will be our guest judge. You may have seen her on ‘The Big Life Fix’ or ‘The Secret Story of Stuff’ on BBC TV or heard her on the panel of the ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ on Radio 4. Zoe will be inspiring our teams design process and be there on the day to judge their ideas.
What will happen on the day?
10am – 12noon: Upon arriving students will be put in mixed teams and will have a CCCU student ambassador team lead to carry out some ice-breaker activities. The ‘client’ will set the brief and resources to be handed out. Zoe Laughlin will then talk through the process of design and inspire the students in their creative journey.
12noon – 12:30pm: Lunch break
12:30 – 1:30pm: Prototype creation
1.30 – 2pm: Presenting prototypes and judging
2pm: Awards/prizes and departure by 2:15pm
Practicalities: Students to wear school uniform. No technology will be required (laptops/phones) for the task and we will ask students to keep their phones away. Lunch will be provided for all students attending.
Evaluation: The event will be evaluated by all students attending.
What partner schools need to do next:
- Allocate a lead teacher for this event (we only need one present from each school during the event but they will not be expected to support students in the activities and so can work on marking etc..)
- Identify five students who would benefit from attending the event.
- By Friday 30 September provide the names of the students attending, any dietary requirements, photo permissions and a contact number for lead teacher.
Any questions please contact Sarah Moir, EKST Coordinator
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